Quick List SALE
Everything is now 'Quick Sale' as I wind up the business.
Call/message me on 04 04 33 00 75 or email Soultheft@optusnet.com.au or through the contact page on this site.. Happy to send images by SMS though what that'll tell you, I'm not sure! Fuzzy fone pix? People often ask for them. But a Nikon F3 is...a Nikon F3. Go look it up? If I have it, I list it and if it isn't as described, I refund. That said, happy to sling over a few pix to show any specific detail to confirm a specific model or lens version - I know a lot but strangely, not quite everything so ask - lately, 'which side of the '4' on the depth of field scale is the infra-red diamong mark? (Important to a Pentax collector!)
I'll try to edit this list when items are moved to other pages or sales are completed - I'll tag any items on hold or sold but not paid yet. I may leave something up until I'm surer the buyer is happy. Nice things I may leave lying about to brag that I had them and sold them - just because.
Books - Print on Demand
Check my Publishing Pages too. Or search blurb/afildes on Google or go to Blurb.com and search Andrew Fildes for current titles.
Photo Books for collectors - Compendia on Film SLR, TLR and Half frames, Box cameras, Olympus Trip and so on. Years of research and a lifetime of knowledge.
Other books
I write little books for fun. As you can see from this web site, I do like to write a bit! Just working on my cartooning skills so there are little picture books for adults - the Green JellySong book of poems for children and the young at heart, a couple more about to list - 'As Slow As... and 'A Little Book of Everyday Nonsense' A couple on clear thinking about to go in - one on Fallacies in Argument (beat the Trump) and one on quoting Voltaire properly. And even some of my poetry - not too bad in parts and not doggerel but not quite great yet - from Limericks to the Absurd.
I'll be working on these for the next month or so to get them proofed and available in time for Christmas - they make great gifts!